Engineering (AE & BSE) Internship Coordinators
Lindsay Frueh, Academic Adviser, 1330B Elings Hall, (515)294-5189,
Ben McCarty, Academic Adviser, 1330C Elings Hall, (515)294-4087,
Internship and Co-op Information
Prior to the beginning a co-op/intern work period, students must register for a special no credit course (AE 298, AE 397, AE 398, or AE 498). These courses are a part of a student’s permanent record. Students must obtain approval of the Departmental Co-op/Intern Coordinator before being allowed to sign up for any one of these four courses.
Near the end of the semester in which they interview, the co-op/intern candidates complete a questionnaire indicating their employment status.
Those accepting an offer complete a work/study schedule form indicating when they will be in school and when on a co-op/intern assignment. This information is maintained by the Engineering Career Services Office, with a copy sent to the co-op/intern Coordinator.
Prior to leaving ISU for a co-op/intern work period, students provide the Engineering Career Services Office with their off-campus address, phone number, and the company co-op coordinator’s name and address.
Following each work period, employers evaluate each student and discuss the evaluation with the student. A copy of the evaluation is sent to the Engineering Career Services Office, which forwards a copy to the Departmental Co-op/Intern Coordinator.
Students also complete an evaluation of their work assignment at the end of each work session. This evaluation is submitted to Department Coordinator for review.
Click here for more information from Engineering Career Services