Iowa and the Midwest are one of the densest feed production and grain processing regions in the world. Feed technology (grain handling and storage, feed formulation, feed manufacturing, biosecurity, feed safety, and novel ingredients processing) is a critical component to the success of these industries.
Feed Technology Minor

- Be able to identify, explain and select methods of laboratory analyses of feeds and feed nutrients.
- Understand the knowledge, techniques, skills, and tools related to grain quality, handling, and drying.
- Be able to appropriately balance rations for livestock, poultry and companion animals within the limits of preparation, transport, storage, feeding, and economic feasibility.
- Understand the principles of design and operation of contemporary feed manufacturing equipment, including equipment maintenance and trouble-shooting.
- Understand feed mill operations management as it pertains to feed quality and safety, worker safety, and profitability.
- Be able to identify chemical, biological, and physical hazards in grain and feed and their associated risks, along with practical ways to monitor, manage, and mitigate hazards in grain handling and feed manufacturing facilities.
- Be familiar with the importance, scope, and trends of the global animal feed industry.
- ABE 469: Grain Processing and Handling (3 cr.); or TSM 322: Preservation of Grain Quality (3 cr.)
- TSM 455: Feed Processing and Technology (3 cr.)
- TSM 457: Feed Safety, Ingredient Quality and Analytics (3 cr.)
- AN S 320: Animal Feeds and Feeding (3 cr.); or AN S 219X: Survey of Animal Nutrition (3 cr.)
- AN S 324: Food Processing for Companion Animals (3 cr.)